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The Future

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Giới thiệu Game:
Update January 2021 The sixth set of content (order- 'first', 'next', etc) has been removed because it was causing some confusion. Also, the screen where you have to make the sentences has been shortened so you only make 4 sentences now; this is because it too long and a bit boring for students playing. When you complete a set, the game now automatically proceeds to the next set instead of returning to the start screen; this is to avoid confusion about how to finish the game.

Hướng dẫn chơi Game:
This is a simple game for practicing future tense in English using the form 'going to'. The target language is 'going to' and time words - days of the week, months, seasons, parts of the day. The game only uses the 'going to' form; it doesn't use 'will' or present continuous at all. The aim of this game is have students practice making future tense sentences and for them to have exposure to this time vocabulary. The phrases used into this game are divided into 6 sets of content; they are grouped according to the time vocabulary they use. The sets are as follows. Future time words: Tomorrow, Next week, Next month, In 2 years, In 10 years, In 2 weeks, In 6 months, Next year, In 5 years. Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Times of the day: Tomorrow morning, Tomorrow afternoon, Tomorrow evening, Tomorrow night. Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. The second screen you see is a preview screen. On this screen you can choose which set of content to use and you can see examples of future tense phrases using this content. You choose to use a set of content by clicking on the play button which begins the game. There are 3 parts to the game. The first part involves ordering the times words. You are shown a series of bubbles containing time vocabulary and you need to drag and drop the time periods into the correct order. For the second part, you are shown the time words laid out in a schedule and you are presented with a sentences stating an action and a time. You then have to find the image that matches the action and move it to the matching time period. For example, if you see 'he is going to play tennis on Monday', then you have to move the tennis image to the Monday time. For the third part, you are shown images and you have to click on words to create a matching phrase. The images used will have an action and a person holding a sign to indicate the time at which the action is done. For example, the image may show a man flying a kite and then a sign saying 'Monday'. The phrase for this image would be 'On Monday, he is going to fly a kite'.

Phân loại Game:

04.Ngữ pháp


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